Blog task 04 Design challenge
Blog task 04 Design challenge

Blog task 04 Design challenge

The theme I chose for this project is “poverty”. In this theme, I believe that the poor have lost some of the rights that ordinary people should enjoy, so the very important point is “the right to education.” Promoting the right to education of the poor will inevitably promote the all-round development of production and economy in the future. In the absence of abundant teachers, I think that some highly educated college students or postgraduates can voluntarily use their spare time to teach one or two poor students through distance education, so that their education will not fall behind.

However, I think that one of the biggest technical problems in this project is the learning environment of poor students. Due to natural disasters or even wars, they do not have a fixed and stable learning environment and learning time, and they may not have enough funds to own a device that supports distance education. I think this main issue is something I need to consider carefully.


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