Blog task 02 The book “Miss you 365 days”
Blog task 02 The book “Miss you 365 days”

Blog task 02 The book “Miss you 365 days”

The book I want to introduce is a collection of love poems, called ‘Miss you 365 days’. It records 212 love poems and expresses the praise of romantic love. What attracts me most about this book is its appearance and inner page design.

The cleverness of the exterior design is that it looks like two books, but in fact the two books are connected and cannot be separated. If one couple reads from left to right and the other reads from right to left, they will eventually meet at the junction of the book. 

The title of the book is Miss You 365 Days, so every book has 365 pages. The contents of the left and right books are the same, but the layout is completely different. The page number of the book on the left is in the form of dots, and its position is based on the 12-hour point of the clock, It symbolizes the passing of time and the endless missing. The book on the right rotates the poem itself. And there are black pages and white pages, symbolizing the alternation of day and night.

The reason I like this book is because its pages do not exist independently, and there is interaction between them, so the two books can be connected as a whole. It conveys the most romantic mood with the most simplest colors and layout.

I don’t think the inspiration of this book is because of its theme, in fact it has nothing to do with my theme. But I think that what really conveys emotions to readers is not how gorgeous the pictures and how unusual the layout is. The real emotions are spontaneously imagined in the subconscious, so the simpler things will give the readers more freedom to imagine. 


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