Blog 09 Portfolio and blog
Blog 09 Portfolio and blog

Blog 09 Portfolio and blog

After editing the first edition, I asked my classmates to help me look at the problems.
1. The first is my main page. The previous main page was static and rigid, and the toolbar was on the far right side, which looked very crowded, causing a certain visual discomfort. The four first-level menus in the upper right corner are not very useful, forming useless buttons, which is a waste of visual space. After the transformation, I first changed the main page to a dynamic page that can slide up and down, and the sub-menu is at the bottom, which will not cause a visually crowded feeling; the four first-level buttons at the top are replaced by my four items The link is also the most critical part of my entire website. The primary and secondary relationship is relatively clear.

2. In the inner page part: Originally, my sub-menu bar will also appear on the side of the inner page. At this time, the content part on the left will only appear in about two-thirds of the page. It is not visually spacious enough, and it is not easier to read. Also, the title of each article does not seem to be eye-catching enough, which leads to the inability to quickly understand the subject of each article, resulting in too slow information transmission. In response to this, I deleted the menu bar on the right, so that the content of the article can be tiled on the page, and it is very comfortable to read. And under the title of the article, I set a picture as the background picture of the header, which can isolate the title and body part, making the title more clear and eye-catching. It is worth mentioning that the background image of this header is the virtual background of my first project.
I have learned from this experience that the scope of human vision is limited, so even if there is more content on the page, the amount of content that appears in the eyes of users at the same time must be arranged to ensure visual comfort.


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