Blog 08 Insight
Blog 08 Insight

Blog 08 Insight

Insight requires designers to clearly see the essence through the appearance of things. Freud said: “Insight is to turn the unconscious into conscious.” We have to learn to capture, observe, and amplify the small things around us that are not easy to detect.
1. If you want to be a good designer, the first way to improve your insight is to always be curious about food. I always think that children’s observation and creativity abilities are very good, because their thinking and knowledge are closer to a blank sheet of paper, so they are always curious about the world. Designers also need to do the same. They don’t just look at the novelty, but know “what is it?” “How was it born?” “Why does it look like this?” and so on.
2. After having questions raised out of curiosity, a lot of rigorous research is needed. It is necessary to analyze the problem by consulting information, reading books, collecting trivial elements, etc. You can’t just stop at the surface part of the problem, but analyze the different levels of the problem layer by layer.
3. It is very important to see and see more in daily life. This is “accumulation”. Daily accumulation is conducive to improving the ability to analyze problems, solve problems, and distinguish right from wrong. I think that most people do not have insight not because of their weak ability, but because they are easily confused by the surface of the problem when they encounter a problem, and then fail to find the problem well. This is the sensitivity to the problem. Many people have missed a lot of sources of inspiration because they are not very sensitive to problems.


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