Blog 07 PechaKucha
Blog 07 PechaKucha

Blog 07 PechaKucha

It is very pleasant to be able to complete PechaKucha’s speech completely, because it is not a very easy speech. But after finishing the speech, I still have some regrets: the first is the control of the rhythm part of the speech. Since each slide only lasts 20 seconds and I want to talk a lot, I think my speech speed will fluctuate quickly and slowly due to the impact of the slide switch. The on-the-spot adaptability needs to be strengthened in the future. The second part is the content of my speech. In this speech, I chose conscious consumption as my main topic, and used it as a key word for brainstorming to make a mind map. I chose the part of entertainment consumption in the keywords derived from conscious consumption, which led to art consumption, and finally selected art exhibition guide as the main research part of my project in art consumption. But I didn’t think that the art exhibition guide has nothing to do with my conscious consumption of the theme, so I will adjust my entry point next.
In fact, conscious consumption is originally intended to accuse the phenomenon of waste caused by excessive consumption. In response to the word “waste”, combined with my research location, the art museum, three categories of “waste” are derived: waste of resources caused by non-recyclable items; A waste of time caused by long queue time at the venue; a waste of space caused by unused spare art exhibition halls. I will use interview research to interview people of different ages and occupations, and then choose an entry point for further in-depth.


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